There are two different kinds of sprites: the Ball component and the image sprite. Both are found in the Designer under "Animation". An image sprite is similar to a ball in that it can be moved around on a canvas, but it is visually represented by a custom Image that is uploaded by the AppInventor developer. These are the only App Inventor components that have the ability to move around on a canvas. In the previous section we explored the
canvas coordinate system. Now we can look at how to make sprites move.
Sprite TimerInterval
Making Sprites Move Using Heading and TimerInterval

App Inventor assigns numeric values to the
edges of a canvas as follows:
top = 1, right = 3, bottom = -1, left = -3
Heading values for animated objects go in a full circle like a compass, with values between 0 and 360 degrees.
An object moving toward the top of the screen is said to have a heading of 90 degrees.
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