Join us at MIT for the
third annual App Inventor Summit to be held July 17 & 18, 2014.
The MIT App Inventor Summit is the annual gathering of the world-wide App Inventor community. Hosted by the MIT Center for Mobile Learning and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), this summit brings together a diverse range of individuals, including: research scientists; educators from formal and informal settings; NGO staff members; computer scientists; representatives from industry; entrepreneurs; and others. The intimate size, exhilarating program, and accomplished attendees make the MIT App Inventor Summit the ideal opportunity to share current work, form new collaborations, and stay abreast of the latest developments within the MIT App Inventor community.
Please plan to be here in Cambridge with many others from the community this July - there will be chances to share your work and stories, make new connections, and generally celebrate the wonderful things all of you are doing with App Inventor!