Announcing Become An App Inventor

Mar 4, 2022 hal's Blog

Announcing: Become An App Inventor

The MIT App Inventor team is delighted to announce the publication of Become an App Inventor: The Official Guide from MIT App Inventor, by Karen Lang and Selim Tezel, two MIT team members who have been instrumental in the creation of the CoolThink curriculum and the Youth Mobile Power Series.

The book is one of the first published by MITeen Press, a new collaboration between MIT Press and Candlewick Press. It includes CoolThink and Youth Mobile Power Series modules in tutorial form, interspersed with vignettes of young people who have used App Inventor to create impactful apps that exemplify computational action.

Become an App Inventor Book.

You can find some reviews for the book below and an extended review by Kirkus reviews at the Kirkus site. You can order the book from Candlewick Press and other vendors such as Amazon. (Release date February 8, 2022)

Congratulations to Karen and Selim!


A clear, empowering way to learn app-making. —Kirkus Reviews

This step-by-step guide is a valuable aide. . . A go-to resource for passionate creators who are ready to actively invent and design. —Booklist

This book is currently blowing my teen coders away and being poured through by my husband, kids and their friends. Absolutely an outstanding and the most accessible book on this subject. -Jesica Sweedler DeHart, Neill Public Library, Pullman Washington