Introducing Kids to Cutting Edge Technologies

Late in the 2010-2011 school year my principal approached me about taking on a new class the following school year. His idea was to create a course that would provide our students with the chance to experience cutting edge technologies. I agreed to teach the course, and embarked on my search for technologies for students to use and learn.

I decided that the course needed to be grounded in inquiry and interest. When the first students arrived in my classroom, I simply began to get to know them and asked about their interests regarding technology. A few students mentioned having an interest in app development. As a Google Certified Teacher and Google Certified Apps EDU Trainer, I was familiar with App Inventor, so I set the students to work.

Over the nine weeks duration of the course the students developed a robust app providing information about our school. The app had contact information, pictures, and more. Above all, the students learned to search for help, work together, and program an app that we published to the Android Market. I'm thankful for App Inventor!