AUGUST: Congratulations to co-App of the Month: Let Me Hear Again PRO

Congratulations to Let Me Hear Again PRO!

Our August co-winner is an amazing app designed to support deaf individuals. Developed by Dr. Sharon Baisil, the app facilitates communication, helps with daily takes (like waking up in the morning!), and warns users of dangers in their vicinity.

Let Me Hear Again PRO | Apps for Individuals Category
What the app does

Let ME Hear Again PRO Suite for Deaf consists of 5 Unique tools to help the Deaf, integrated into one.

1. Face to Face Chat (Basically the Speech Recognition on Steroids! Enables a deaf person to easily communicate with anyone he meets in the real world,without using Sign Language or Lip reading)

2. Virtual Notes (a Virtual Interpreter & Note Taker)

3.Call Companion (Convert a phone call to text in real time!)

4.Quake Awake Alarm for Deaf

5.Guardian Angel (Inspired by a True story where a pit bull dog saved a deaf boy from house fire. I created a Virtual Pet cat called Angel. You can put the Phone in your pocket and Angel will work in the background.

Find out more with this video.

Why it was built

The creator, Sharon Baisil, is a Doctor from Kerala in India. Ever since his Medical School days,he started thinking about helping the deaf patients.

In India, the majority of these patients cannot afford to buy expensive Instruments to help with their hearing like Video phones or Note Takers or hiring Interpreters. Most of them depend solely on lip reading and Sign Language. This can severely limit communication.

Sharon began using App Inventor through the Hour of Code Tutorials in March 2014. He started spending 4-5 hours on App inventor on every weekend from March 2014 onwards. Building on the simple Text to Speech and Speech to text app by Shaileen Pokress & Emily Erdman, he developed additional features for his target users.

Who built it

Dr. Sharon Baisil, 29, medical doctor

App Status

The app is currently available on the Google Play Store. Check it out!

Do you have an App Inventor app you think should be App of the Week? Click here for more information on how to submit your app!